FAIL YouTubers

It's SO important that you check to see if it's REALLY me that's msg'ing you guys because lately, there's been a LOT of lilwunxx imposters running around EVERYWHERE.

They use capital "i" in replacement for the "L" for my name so please be careful because it looks VERY MUCH alike. Once again, please be careful everyone !!

I just hope these people don't bug you because I feel really bad =( Sorry.... =(

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Breaker's back in town!!

Breaker the Magical Warrior has been gone too long. Now that it's back to 3, why would Konami need to limit Solemn Judgments to 1?! Iiiijots. -_-"

You know what Konami's reason is for limiting Solemn Judgments?! Their reason is because they want us to:
"Utilize different negations rather than just Solemns. "

I mean, now that Breaker is back to 3, Solemns shouldn't even be much threat anymore because with Breaker's effect to break back rows, it can just easily break that poor Solemn Judgment and neg 1 that player. I don't know, that's just my opinion. I'm sure a few people feels the same way as well, but meh, what can you do. Think of it, what does Konami expect? Us to start replacing Solemn Judgments for Dark Bribes? HAHAHA !! Oh silly Konami.
There are so many new deck ideas out there for the new format and now that Mezuki can also be abused, I smell return decks running about... if not, then siding into it ;)

1 comment:

Don't forget to state your YouTube name so I know who you are ^___^