FAIL YouTubers

It's SO important that you check to see if it's REALLY me that's msg'ing you guys because lately, there's been a LOT of lilwunxx imposters running around EVERYWHERE.

They use capital "i" in replacement for the "L" for my name so please be careful because it looks VERY MUCH alike. Once again, please be careful everyone !!

I just hope these people don't bug you because I feel really bad =( Sorry.... =(

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

OCG Ban List

As per the Magazine image above for OCG, here's the list ladies & gentleman:


Chaos Sorcerer
Necro Guardna
Lightlord Summoner - Lumina
Burial from a Different Dimension
Foolish Burial
Destiny Draw
Charge of the Light Brigade
Allure of Darkness
Mind Crush
Magical Explosion

Semi Restricted

Cyber Dragon
Demise - King of Armageddon
Treeborn Frog
Black Whirlwind
United We Stand
Royal Decree
Royal Oppression
Skill Drain


Mask of Darkness
Smashing Ground

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

March 2010 BanList

As per my YouTube Video...

here's the list in full and easy to copy & paste:

Dark Armed Dragon
Magical explosion

Necromancer Infernity
Goblin Zombie
Judgment Dragon
Burial from the different dimension
Charge of the light brigade
Allure of Darkness
Crush Card Virus
Semi Limited
Card Trooper
Black Whirlwind
Solar Recharge
Solemn Judgment
Gravity Bind
Gladiator Beast War Chariot

Chaos Sorcerer
Mind Master
Gold Sarcophagus
Magical Stone Excavation
Ultimate Offering
Mind Crush

Friday, February 5, 2010


So, I found this guy on Youtube who actually STOLE my video. You know my trade binder with Dale on my channel -- the featured video? Yeah. I was dying when I read his description about the binder, claiming it his... and to top it off, he subbed in Dale's voice for a song. I just honestly hope that no one gets ripped off by him =/

You know what else though? This channel of his is a 2nd Channel to a main channel -- hence the partnership ads all over his page and his video side bars. I'm almost positive that he must've added this page as a part of his original channel, right?

Well, honestly... of all the people to steal a video from and of all the people to steal a trade binder video from... why mine and Dale's binder? Kinda bait much? FAIL. hahaha!

I just hope everyone or anyone who trades with him watches out -- he claims to have different addresses with different names and doesn't send first no matter how much references you have? Really? Like, come on... then to top it off, for that video's comments section, comments must be approved -- I wonder why? lol* I just hope you all be careful because he may give a friends' address and scam you.

I don't wanna post his link so that he doesn't get the attention he oh-so-badly-wants -- I've already sent him comments on his channel and he just deletes it. So meh.

I know he's a partner through which ever main channel he has so yeah, whoop-ti-doo he may get a new more views on this channel than usual because of this post. I really don't care. People WILL flag him for it and to top it off, he's using music that he doesn't own -- so either;
a) He'll be warned and the video will be taken down automatically
b) His partnership (if i'm right) will be taken away from him due to YouTube violation due to copyright infringement (using a song that he doesn't own) and also for stealing a video which originated from a partner with proof.