FAIL YouTubers

It's SO important that you check to see if it's REALLY me that's msg'ing you guys because lately, there's been a LOT of lilwunxx imposters running around EVERYWHERE.

They use capital "i" in replacement for the "L" for my name so please be careful because it looks VERY MUCH alike. Once again, please be careful everyone !!

I just hope these people don't bug you because I feel really bad =( Sorry.... =(

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Hey everyone !! I just wanted to quickly wish you all a Merry Christmas!!

Here's my small list of what I got for Christmas:
32" LCD TV, Lots of Candy Canes, $5 Gift Card for Second Cup, 2 tops, White Gold & Diamond Bracelet from Dale <3... and I believe that's it?

What did you guys get? So far, on my Youtube videos, a LOT of you guys received so many things like tons of games and stuff! WOW. Lucky!

Respond and let me know! Even check out everyone else's responses and be jealous with me... =( lol*

To top things off, apparently it's suppose to rain today =/ lol* The sky is crying for me cuz I don't get to go to BlueMountain for this weekend.. I miss out on SnowBoarding =(



  1. New Phone, New Straightener, Death Note Volume 13, L-Change The World(Novel), The World Ends With You, Family Guy Season 1, Inbetweeners Season 1+2, 70 Euro, 5 things of shower gel and deoderant(Ya great Family joke there....).

    Not too bad to be honest.


  2. WoW!
    You're lucky, I'd love to have more than half the things on your list.. even that last part with the 5 things of shower gel and deoderant! lol*
    That was too cute. haha!


Don't forget to state your YouTube name so I know who you are ^___^