FAIL YouTubers

It's SO important that you check to see if it's REALLY me that's msg'ing you guys because lately, there's been a LOT of lilwunxx imposters running around EVERYWHERE.

They use capital "i" in replacement for the "L" for my name so please be careful because it looks VERY MUCH alike. Once again, please be careful everyone !!

I just hope these people don't bug you because I feel really bad =( Sorry.... =(

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while...been busy with the YouTube thing and what-not, but OmGz i'm hating on Street Fighter4 lol*

I'm get really aggrivated with fighting games and I HATE cheap people lol* don't get me wrong, i'm cheap myself, but I have a reason to be cheap cuz that's all the moves I KNOOOWWW.... SHIT !! hahaha! damn fighting games... =_=" meh.

Well, on a more aggrivating note... I spend so much time on YouTube it's ridiculous... I'm trying to get 1000 or more subscribers to reach my goal...but it's taking REALLY long >_<
Don't forget to:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My YouTube Vid =) Subscribe !!

Alright, so something is definately wrong if I still go to sleep at 5am =( this is the 3rd day in a row now....gawwwwwz..

Other than that though, I made my first un-official YouTube vid last night cuz i couldn't go to sleep... check it out !!
****Don't forget to subscribe !!! ****

Dude for 3am in the morning and after so many failed attempts, oh man i definately gave up after a while...especially since my camera kept dying =_="

Don't forget to subscribe !!! *****

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Oh man...
so these passed few nights I haven't been able to fall asleep and have been sleeping at 4-5am in the morning >_<. I end up hearing little birdies chirp and what-not =_=". To top things off, my fingers started to get tingly... it was really weird =/ Oh man, what should I do to put me to sleep?? =//

Night !!

alright... sleepy now... done for the day
night night !! xx


Alright. I finally got it all least for the most parts.... i'll add the typical little things later on but I think this is enough for now...kinda getting REALLY sleepy now.... definately need to sleep soon lol* =/

Monday, April 20, 2009

My First Post

Okay, so it took me about almost an hour to figure everything out and re-do my layout.... but I finally did it... I'll be back to finalize things. =)